How to Train Your Dog to Be a Therapy Dog
10:12 PM | Author: puthra

Have you thought about taking your dog to assisted living facilities to be a therapy dog? Good dog training is the key. Actually, most any dog can be a therapy dog. We've all seen news segments about dogs that have been rescued from dog shelters, that were trained to work as therapy dogs to visit nursing homes or rehabilitation facilities.

Little dogs like Yorkshire Terriers and bigger dogs like Collies, Cocker Spaniels or Poodles make great theraphy dogs. Much bigger dogs like Great Danes are wonderful in this capacity, but sometimes the rooms in the facility are not large enough to accommodate everyone.

If you have a family dog that you think would be wonderful as a therapy dog, but he's a little rough around the edges, then you need to consider training. To save time and money , you may want to train your dog yourself at home. There's some great, easy information on dog training to be had online.

When taking your dog to a nursing home or assisted living facility you want to make sure that his conduct is above reproach. The only way you can be sure is proper training which will help him with his manners. Also, your dog must enjoy being petted or held. Your dog needs to be housetrained, trained to not be barky or aggressive. He needs to follow the commands of sit, stay, shake and hand signals from you.These are all easily taught if you have the proper knowledge and know how to convey that knowledge to your dog. Ask yourself if your dog has the proper temperament to meet and greet residents in these facilities.

Just imagine the joy you can bring to someone living in one of these facilities. Perhaps they had a dog earlier in their life, but cannot have one any longer. The chance to pet a dog or cuddle with a dog delights the heart. By training your companion dog to be a therapy dog has great rewards for you as well as the recipient of the dogs affection. Your dog will enjoy it too!

What You Need to Know to Ask About Medicine
7:43 PM | Author: puthra
Taking medicine has its risks. In fact, some medicine you take will have more risks than the illness you are tying to cure by taking the medicine. There are a lot of things about medicine your probably don’t know, but are facts that you need to educate yourself on so you can be as healthy as possible and know what is going on with your body.

Before you take any medicine, make sure you know what the medicine is, the name of it, and why you are taking it. Mistakes happen all the time in the medical field, so it is up to you to make sure you are getting the correct medicine.

Also, ask how long you should take the medicine and in what doses. Some medicine needs to be taken frequently while others are only once a day or even once a week. Make sure you are very clear on the dosage schedule for the medicine.

Find out if there are any foods or activities you need to avoid while taking a particular medicine. Some drugs will warn you to stay away from the sun or not drive while others will suggest you avoid certain foods and most will warn against drinking any alcoholic beverages. You will also want to know if any over the counter drugs like Tylenol can be taken when you are taking a particular medicine as well. Be sure you are clear on these recommendations before you take any medicine.

You should always ask your doctor if there are any other side effects of the medicine and what they might be. Also, some side effects of medicine are very serious so if you are taking a medicine that has a high risk factor you will want to be well informed and know what to do in case of an emergency.

Medicine is great because it helps people fight illnesses, feel better, and live with aches and pains. However, one should always be fully educated about a particular medicine before beginning a regimen.
People Turn to Herbal Highs
4:30 AM | Author: puthra

Recreational use

Due to the increased accessibility and falling prices of class A drugs, 'recreational' use of them has soared. Recreational use is also the new buzz word to describe people who use drugs such as cocaine and ecstasy to enhance their weekends. However, due to the increase in the popularity and use of illegal substances party goers are turning to legal herbal highs in an attempt to gain the same effects.

Products on the market

Herbal highs are available in shops as well over the internet and have a whole host of names such as:

X4 ecstasy
Strawberry fields
Herbal highs claim to give the same or close to the effects of the real McCoy however, it is very much down to personal use in terms of what kind of side effects you have.

Herbal cures

Due to herbal products getting a lot more media attention and in internet being such a powerful shopping forum, it is not only herbal highs that are increasing in popularity. Products such as Herbal Viagra are also on the increase! Herbal Viagra has been around for years but has only started to really come to light recently as an alternative to the 'little blue pill'. There are many varieties on the market for both men and women all designed to do at least one of the following:

Cure erectile dysfunction
Increase libido
Increase stamina and sexual performance

Herbal Education at Natural Health Schools
9:11 AM | Author: puthra

Find Herbal Education in the United States and Canada. Many natural health schools have integrated herbal education into standard curriculums and coursework. Students seeking an internship or practical training in natural medicine will find that an herbal education provides necessary skills and knowledge to become certified herbalists, herbal consultants, Chinese herbal medicine practitioners, and even naturopaths.

Herbal education is comprised of in-depth studies in the practice and art of clinical herbalism. In most herbal education programs, students are taught the roots of herbalism, including classes in therapeutic herbal medicine, medicine making and lab work, anatomy and physiology, herbal formulations, plant identification (botany) and growing of herbs, diet and nutrition, aromatherapy, plant chemistry, and other related subjects of study.

Typically, students who have successfully completed an herbal education will know how to identify, harvest and manufacture herbal medicine from medicinal plants. In addition, an herbal education will have trained students in how to effectively use herbal medicine as a treatment for common ailments, illnesses and other health conditions.

Depending on which natural health school in which you choose to enroll, an herbal education curriculum is often incorporated in naturopathic and Oriental medicine studies. In these courses, students are frequently introduced to natural herbal medicine and aspects pertaining to both Eastern and Western medicine.

A number of herbal education programs will commonly result in certification in the respective course of study; however, some natural health schools do offer herbal education that may result in a degree in herbal sciences.

As the consumer demand for natural healthcare and alternative medicine continues to grow, students who achieve an herbal education can feel confident that this coursework is not only beneficial to personal enrichment, but to professional growth as well.

Herbal Remedy - Herbal Vitamins
9:06 AM | Author: puthra

In reading about herbal remedies, it should be noted that herbs and vitamins are closely connected. Most herbs contain certain types of vitamins, and vitamins are naturally from living things, including plants. From this close connection, the idea for herbal vitamins comes about.

When we talk about herbal vitamins, we are basically talking about those herbal based vitamins - vitamins that are from herbs. Just like the vitamins that are derived from animal sources, herbal vitamins must also be absorbed in the body by providing it in the diet or in nutritional supplements. The basis for that is the fact that the human body can’t produce or synthesize the herbal vitamins.

Herbal vitamins are vital to the proper functioning of the human body. In fact, they are very necessary for our growth, vitality, as well as for our general well being. One of the big misunderstandings in the world today is the idea that herbal vitamins can be substituted for food. This is not true. In fact, some experts think that herbal vitamins should not be ingested without consuming food. This is important to read up on a herbal remedy such as herbal vitamins.

Incidentally, herbal vitamins help in the regulation of metabolism. In addition, they also aid in converting fats and carbohydrates into energy. Plus, herbal vitamins help in the development of tissues and bones.

One example of herbal vitamins is the vitamin A or beta-carotene which is necessary for the body, particularly for growth and repair of body tissues. Many herbs contain this vitamin, especially those that are use especially for keeping a smooth, soft, and disease-free skin.

Today, herbal vitamins nutritional supplements are now offered in many health food stores, and one of those is the herbal vitamin called as Vitalerbs. It consist of alfalfa, dandelion, kelp, and some other combinations of useful herbs. This herbal vitamin is said to be easier to digest because it contains whole foods. This form of herbal vitamins is now massively circulated because it has been proven safe and effective.

Herbal Medicine Schools
8:58 AM | Author: puthra

Herbal Medicine Schools offer instruction and training in herbalism, the most ancient healthcare known to mankind. Sometimes referred to as botanical medicine, Herbal Medicine Schools educate in the use of herbs for therapy and medicinal healing. The curriculum covers preventive nutrition, options for treatment and cure, natural methods of healing, and more.

Herbs are derived from plants, and are used not only for their medicine properties, but also for aroma and spice. The medicinal value of Herbal Medicine has been documented throughout the centuries of use and study. Approximately 25% of all prescription drugs in the U.S. contain at least one active plant material ingredient.

Herbal Medicine Schools instruct future practitioners how to grow medicinal herbs for personal or market use, how to create herbal preparations, the chemical components of herbs, anatomy and botany, the legalities of private practice and many other subjects. Herbal Medicine Schools also teach herbal identification, herbal first aid, herbal pharmacognosy, and the history of natural medicine.

Herbal Medicine Schools require little more than a high school diploma or an entrance exam to enroll. Acupuncture schools, chiropractic colleges, and naturopathic colleges may offer special workshops on herbal medicine, summer classes, or continuing education classes. Some medical colleges even offer herbal classes as an elective.

If you are interested in attending Herbal Medicine School, feel free to peruse the directory for schools in your area.

Diet Planning Software
8:51 AM | Author: puthra

Diet planning software is by far one of the most effective ways to start a diet, stick to it, and produce results. It takes all of the guesswork out of what you can eat and what you cannot eat. It relieves some of the anxiety around planning for meals, being that spontaneity is one of the most common diet killers.

Successful dieting of course means that careful planning also means careful execution. Diet planning software will do you no good unless you are mentally prepared to follow through on it. You must adhere to the plan and strive not to deviate from it, at all costs. This can be very difficult if you are following a rigid diet that limits your choices of what foods you can eat and the quantity of which you can eat them.

The best thing to do is to pick a diet planning software program that caters to a diet that offers flexibility, guarantees stellar results, and which keeps you motivated to stay on the diet.

For example, let's say you were to follow a diet program that allows you to eat as much food as you want from all four of the major food groups, at four distinct meal times per day. Would that sound appealing to you? What if you knew that by following such a diet, you could lose as many as 20 pounds per month. Would you have any reservations about following such a diet then?

Therefore, your diet planning software is only as good as the diet program caters to.